柯惕思(中文名拜受于北京王世襄先生, 意含 "清晰思辨")目前旅居上海, 独立从事中国古董家具领域的研究和顾问工作。
任职于美国加州“中国古典家具博物馆”馆长(1990-1996)期间 , 柯惕思密切参与策划世上最大的中国古典硬木家具收藏之一。
身为加州“中国古典家具协会期刊”编辑(1990-1994) 的期间, 他深入不少中国家具技术层面的议题研究和论文报告. 与莎拉韩德尔博士, 安思远先生, 王世襄先生等人互相切磋, 共同为中国古典家具的文化和艺术传承效棉薄之力。
1997年, 他决定迁移到台北, 继续他个人独立研究和著作, 凭着个人的爱好和热诚, 以一己之力持续不断地提供滋养的资源灌溉中国古典家具园地. 在台六年期间, 有幸协助国立历史博物馆顾问策划台湾有史以来首次明清古典家具收藏展-风华再现, 掀起岛内外爱好者的交流热潮, 也起到中国文化教育熏陶的作用。
柯先生与世界各地收藏中国古董家具的博物馆, 国内外私人收藏家, 学者, 行家和国际拍卖行(苏富比和嘉士得)多有接触交流及顾问, 再加上自己勤奋考据国内外史料和探访实物, 累积深厚的经验和资讯, 除了著书写专刊, 演讲, 认证, 鉴定, 也默默耕耘他一手创立的国际性中国古典家具网站 www.chinese-furniture.com, 以学术交流和文化艺术熏陶为主, 商务服务为辅。
书写专刊 |
- 1990
- "Integrity and Joinery in Chinese Furniture." Journal of the Classical Chinese Furniture Society 1:1 (Winter 1990), pp. 11-13.
- 1991
- "Continuous Horseshoe Arms And Half-Lapped Pressure-Peg Joins." Journal of the Classical Chinese Furniture Society 1:2 (Spring 1991), pp. 14-18.
"The Development of the Waisted Form and Variations in Its Joinery." Journal of the Classical Chinese Furniture Society 1:3 (Summer 1991), 36-45.
"The Association of Classical Chinese Furniture in Beijing." Journal of the Classical Chinese Furniture Society 1:3 (Summer 1991), 19-20.
"A Pair of Zitan Southern Official's Hat Armchairs." Journal of the Classical Chinese Furniture Society 1:4 (Autumn 1991), pp. 4-9.
- 1992
- "A Report on the First International Symposium on Chinese Ming Domestic Furniture." Journal of the Classical Chinese Furniture Society 2:1 (Winter 1991), pp. 22-27.
"Recent Acquisition and Projects of the Museum of Classical Chinese Furniture." Orientations January 1992, pp. 86-89.
"The Nature and Characteristics of Wood and Related Observations of Chinese Hardwood Furniture." Journal of the Classical Chinese Furniture Society 2:2 (Spring 1992), pp. 28-41.
"Simplicity and Integrity Reflected in the Anatomy of a Masterpiece". Journal of the Classical Chinese Furniture Society2:3 (Summer 92), pp. 4-12.
"The Piccus Collection of Classical Chinese Furniture." Journal of the Classical Chinese Furniture Society 2:4 (Autumn 1992), pp. 4-25.
"The Symposium in Memory of the Ninetieth Anniversary of Yang Yao." Journal of the Classical Chinese Furniture Society 2:4 (Autumn 1992), pp. 64-67.
- 1993
- "The San Francisco Symposium on Classical Chinese Wood Furniture." Journal of the Classical Chinese Furniture Society 3:1 (Winter 1992), pp. 4-8.
"The Art of Joinery: A Manifold Expression." Orientations January 1993, pp. 53-57.
"From Ornate to Unadorned: A Study of a Group of Yokeback Chairs." Journal of the Classical Chinese Furniture Society 3:2 (Spring 1993), pp. 24-33.
"Furniture in the Novel Jin Ping Mei: A Comparison of Seventeenth- and Eighteenth Century Illustrations." Journal of the Classical Chinese Furniture Society 3:4 (Autumn 1993), pp. 21-45.
- 1994
- "The 'Classic of Lu Ban' and Classical Chinese Furniture." Journal of the Classical Chinese Furniture Society3:1 (Winter 1993), pp. 33-44.
"Ornamental Stone Panels and Chinese Furniture." Journal of the Classical Chinese Furniture Society 4:2 (Spring 1994), pp. 4-26.
"Uniting Elegance and Utility: Metal Mounts on Chinese Furniture". Journal of the Classical Chinese Furniture Society 3:4 (Summer 94). pp. 27-47.
"The Enigmatic Coffer". Journal of the Classical Chinese Furniture Society, 4:4 (Autumn 1994), pp. 29-44.
"Chinese Woodworking Tools," Unpublished article.
- 1995
- "Best of the Best: An Exhibition of Ming Furniture from Private Collections." Arts of Asia, Hong Kong, 135-141.
Masterpieces from the Museum of Classical Chinese Furniture. San Francisco: Tenth Union, 1995
- 1996
- "The Furniture Maker and the Woodworking Traditions of China." Catalogue essay in Beyond the Screen: Chinese Furniture of the 16th and 17th Centuries. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. 1996. pp. 53-76.
- 1997
- "China". Encyclopedia of Interior Design. London: Fitzroy Dearborn: 1997, 252-261.
"Classical Chinese Furniture from The Jingguangtang Collection ". The Jingguangtang Collection, Part II. Christie's New York, #8606, March 20, 1997, pp. 26-29.
"Legends on a Bicycle." Home Furniture no. 12 (August/September 1997), p. 82.
- 1998
- Catalogue entries and essay "Traditional Chinese Furniture. From Sumptuous Palaces to Courtyard Dwellings." in Classical and Vernacular Chinese Furniture in the Living Environment. Hong Kong: Yungmingtang, 1998, pp. 23-33, 97-171.
- "In Pursuit of Elegance and Majesty: Traditional Living Spaces of the Elite in Late Imperial China". From Elegant Mansions: Fine Classical Chinese Furniture and Works of Art. Christie's New York, #8972, September 16, 1998, pp. 14-17.
- 1999
- Catalogue entries and essay "Literary Mind and Carving of Dragons" in Spendour of Style: Classical Chinese Furniture from the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Taipei: National Museum of History, 1999, pp. 21-32, 62-210.
C. L. Ma Collection: Traditional Chinese Furniture from the Greater Shanxi Region. Hong Kong: C. L. Ma Furniture, 1999.
- 2000
- "New Directions in Chinese Furniture Connoisseurship. Early Traditional Furniture" Orientations January 2000. pp. 50-57.
- A Leisurely Pursuit: Splendid Hardwood Antiquities from the Liang Yi Collection. Hong Kong, 2000.
- 2002
- "Dating and Attribution: Questions of Revelations from Inscribed Works of Chinese Furniture". Orientations 33:1 (January 2002). pp. 32-39.
- 2003
- "Splendor of Chinese Classical Furniture: Highlights from the Gangolf Geis Collection". The Gangolf Geis Collection of Fine Classical Chinese Furniture. Christie's New York, #1330, September 18, 2003, pp. 8-13.
- 2004
- "Three Remarkable Beds". Important Chinese Furniture from Private Collections. Christie's New York, #1494, September 21, 2004, pp. 9-13
"The Chinese Game Table". Play it Again: Asian Games and Pastimes. E. J. Frankel, New York, 2004, pp. 25-37.
- 2006
- "Traditional Jumu Furniture and the Museum of Classical Jumu Furniture". in Orientations June 2006. Hong Kong, 2006, pp. 28-35.
- 2007
- Liangyi Collection. Hong Kong: United Sky Resources 2007.
- 2008
- Palace Museum Collection: Treasury of Ming and Qing Palace Furniture. Hu Desheng, translated by Curtis Evarts. Beijing: Forbidden City Press, 2008.
- 2009
- "Exquisite Lacquer Furniture". The Imperial Sale, Important Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art. Christie's Hong Kong, #2711, May 27, 2009, pp. 40-43.
- 2010
- “神楠與中國古典楠木家具”《紫禁城 2010增刊》北京故宮出版社, 2010.
“友善家具”《中国古代家具藝術展》鑿枘工巧:北京文物出版社, 2010
- 2011
- “神圣的交椅”《寒庭遗珠:清代家具构建及中国贵点家具专场》嘉德,北京2011三月.
- 2012
- “神圣的交椅”《寒庭遗珠:清代家具构建及中国贵点家具专场》嘉德,北京2011三月.
“浪淘沙:中國古傢具鉤沉". 精凝簡練:美國私人收藏家珍藏中國傢具. Christie's Hong Kong, Nov 28, 2012.
- 2013
- 图录序《大漆家具》 故宫出版社, 2013.
“中國傢具傳奇二十五年". Fine Chinese Furniture from an Important Private American Collection. Christies, New York, March 2013.
- 2014
- “清乾隆御制紫檀西洋花纹扶手椅”Fine Chinese Ceramics & Works of Art, Sotheby’s New York, Mar 18-19, 2014, pp. 210-213.
“圣灵之交椅”《坐位:中国古坐具艺术》北京故宫出版社, 2014。
- 2015
- “溯源探賾:安思遠與中國傢具". 錦瑟華年:安思遠私人珍藏: II Chinese Furniture, Scholar's Objects and Chinese Paintings, Christie's New York, Mar 18, 2015.
“佰樂一顧:黎氏伉儷與中國古典家具". The Lai Family Collection of Fine Chinese Furniture and Works of Art, Christie's New York, Sept 17, 2015. |
- 2016
- “反應古代文人理想與亞視文化的一對鑲湘妃竹櫃". 《剖奧析妙:黃花梨鑲湘妃竹圓角櫃一對》. Christie's New York, September 2016.
图录序《明式黄花梨家具: 晏如居藏品选》香港, 2016十月。
- 2017
- 图录序《青峰山房明清家具》 故宫出版社, 2017.
"維勒泰藏珍罕明式紫檀家具". The Marie Theresa L. Virata Collection of Asian Art: A Family Legacy. Christies, New York, March 2017.
"柯惕思,客席學術顧問,為國家週中國古典家具博物館前館長". 《中國瓷器及藝術品》. Christies, London, November 2017.
图录序《士林典藏:稀见木作小文房》北京文物处版社, 2017十月。
图录序《清水山房:清康熙御製黃花梨鸞風牡丹文大頂箱櫃成對》 北京保利, 2017
- 2018
- 图录序《明清榉木家具》浙江人民美术出版社, 2018.
"黄花梨高束腰罗汉床." Important Chinese Art. Sotheby’s, Hong Kong, October 2018.
"五代北宋:黑漆曲栅翹頭案". 《不凡:宋代美學一千年》 佳士得,香港 2018年十一月。
"玩在静几充架间:漫谈完明书房家具". 《美成再久》,上海楠书房:2018年十一月。
- 2019
- 近代西方和古典中国家具的相互并立欣赏”《文人空间4》, 2019.
演讲 |
- 1991
- Kuala Lumpur, sponsered by the Southeast Asia Ceramic Society, "The Museum of Classical Chinese furniture: The First Museum Dedicated Exclusively to Ming Furniture."
Hong Kong, "The Museum of Classical Chinese Furniture: The First Museum Dedicated Exclusively to Ming Furniture" delivered September 1991 at the Dr. S. Y. Yip Symposium on Classical Chinese Furniture, Hong Kong.
Beijing, "The Museum of Classical Chinese Furniture: The First Museum Dedicted Exclusively to Ming Furniture"delivered November 1991 at the First International Symposium on Chinese Domestic Furniture, Beijing.
- 1992
- Renaissance, "Classical Chinese Furniture."
Suzhuo, "The Artistry of Joinery: A Manifold Expression" at the Second International Symposium on Chinese Ming Domestic Furniture in Memory of Yang Yao, October 1992.
- 1993
- Taipei, sponsored by Art Asia, "Research and the Collection of the Museum of Classical Chinese Furniture."
Hong Kong, sponsored by the Friends of the Hong Kong Museum of Art, "Classical Chinese Furniture and the Jin Ping Mei."
Taipei, ArtAsia, "Classical Chinese Furniture and the Jin Ping Mei."
- 1995
- New York, Sotheby's, New York "Masterpieces from the Museum of Classical Chinese Furniture".
- 1996
- Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. "Chinese Hardwood Furniture: Materials and Techniques."
- 1997
- Singapore, National Heritage Museum. "Classical Chinese Furniture."
- 1998
- Taipei, Sponsored by the Art Asia. "Four-part lecture series: History, Joinery and Construction, Materials, Fakes and Masterpieces."
New York, Sponsored by Christie's, New York. "In Pursuit of Elegance and Majesty: Traditional Living Spaces of the Elite in Late Imperial China."
Hong Kong, Friends of the Hong Kong University Society. "Four-part lecture series: History, Joinery and Construction, Materials, Fakes and Masterpieces."
- 1999
- Taipei, Sponsored by the Art Asia. "Five-part lecture series: History, Joinery and Construction, Materials, Fakes and Masterpieces, Interiors."
Hong Kong, Sponsored by Christie's, Hong Kong. "In Pursuit of Elegance and Majesty: Traditional Living Spaces of the Elite in Late Imperial China."
Taipei, Sponsored by the Rotory Club of Taipei. " Classical Chinese Furniture."
- Taipei, National Museum of History. "Splendor of Style".
Hong Kong. Friends of the Hong Kong University Society, "Searching for the Soul of Traditional Chinese Furniture."
Beijing. "The C. L. Ma Collection & Traditional Chinese Furniture."
- 2000
- Taipei. "New Directions in Chinese Furniture Connoisseurship. Early Traditional Furniture"
- 2002
- Hong Kong, University of Hong Kong Museum Society, "Dating and Attribution: Questions and Revelations from Inscribed Works of Chinese Furniture".
- 2004
- Denver, Cashi Gallery. "Chinese Furniture and Asian Sensitivities".
Kansas City, Fafa Gallery. "Chinese Furniture and Asian Sensitivities".
- 2005
- Shanghai, Exhibition Center. "Chinese Furniture and Asian Sensitivities".
Shanghai, Exhibition Center. "Chinese Furniture and Western Sensitivities".
- 2006
- Shanghai, Exhibition Center. "In Pursuit of Elegance and Majesty: Traditional Living Spaces of the Elite in Late Imperial China".
Hong Kong, Chine Gallery. "The Chinese Chair".
- 2007
- “现代紫檀的学术研究” 北京嘉德
“传统凳子” 上海展览中心
“黄花梨与黄花梨家具” 香港展览中心
- 2008
- “黄花梨与黄花梨家具” 北京嘉德
“古典家具收藏欣赏历史” 苏州东山
- 2009
- “谈椅子:高古,年份,艺趣” 山东济南
- 2010
- “神柟与明清楠木家具” 北京楠书房
“黄花梨家具之审美” 北京楠嘉德
- 2011
- “回想二十年之古典黄花梨家具” 北京嘉德
- 2012
- “中国古典家具历史” 北京美术院
“东方西方家具交流” 北京美术院
“古典家具与西方之审美” 北京美术院.
- 2013
- “紀年古典家具研究”青岛
- 2014
- “古典家具之审美” 无锡
- 2015
- “談古論今安思遠與古典傢具” 香港/台北佳士得
“Six Thousand Years of Chinese Art” Marysville, California, Lee Burrows Center for the Arts
“谈椅子:高古来源,椅子种类,年份证据,中西之关,艺椅趣味” 无锡
- 2016
- “Twenty Years after the Museum of Classical Chinese Furniture
with Musings on a Pair of Speckled-Bamboo Cabinets” 纽约佳士得
“漫谈探究《中和》中之九件善居展品” 北京高碑店中和展览中心
“近代西方和古典中国家具观看欣赏” 北京红砖美术院
“古典家具之审美” 上海新天地楠书房
“东方西方家具交流” 香港大学
- 2017
- “古典家具之审美”福建仙游
“古典家具之审美” 上海新天地楠书房
“漫谈苏北家具的特点” 扬州博物馆
- 2018
- “古典家具之审美” 上海东华大学