Books with Chinese Furniture Related Materials listed by author.
updated October 12, 2006
- Ang, John Kwang-Ming. The Beauty of Huanghuali. Taipei: ArtAsia, 1995.
- Belozerova, Vera. Traditional Chinese Furniture (In Russian). Moscow: Nauka Chief Editorial Board of Oriental Literature, 1980.
- Berliner, Nancy and Sarah Handler. Friends of the House: Furniture from China's Towns and Villages. Salem: Peabody Essex Museum, 1995.
- Berliner, Nancy. Beyond the Screen: Chinese Furniture of the 16th an 17th centuries. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1996.
- Beurdeley, Michel. Chinese Furniture. Tokyo, New York and San Francisco: Kodansha International, 1979.
- Cai Yi-An. Qingdai guangshi jiaju (Chinese Furniture in Cantonese Style). Hong Kong: 8 Dragons Publishing, 1993
- Cescinsky, Herbert. Chinese Furniture. London: Benn Brothers, Ltd., 1922.
- Chambers Fine Arts. The Chinese Scholar's Mind: Furniture from late Ming to early Qing Dynasties. New York, 2001 (Sales catalogue).
- Chapman, Jan. The Origins and Development of Hardwood Furniture in China. University of Durham, England, 1975.
- Chen, Jerry J. & Mao, Christophe W. Permanence: Classical Chinese Stone Furniture. Chambers Fine Art: Taipei, 2003.
- Chin, Sandra Lok Fu. Classical Chinese Wood Furniture. San Francisco: San Francisco Craft and Folk Art Museum, 1992.
- China Art. Antiques in the Raw. Hong Kong: China Art, 1997.
- Chuang, Quincy, ed. The Chuang Family Bequest of Fine Ming and Qing Furniture in the Shanghai Museum. Hong Kong: The Woods Publishing Company, 1998.
- Clunas, Craig. Chinese Furniture. London: Bamboo Publishing Ltd., 1988.
- Cui Rongxue. Zhongguo jiaju shi--zuoju bian (The History of Chinese Furniture--Seating Furniture) Taipei: Ming Wen shuju, 1987.
- Chen Zengbi. Zhongying gongyi meishu xueyuan yuancang zhenpin tulu. Mingshi jiaju (Catalog of Treasures from the Central Academy of Arts: Ming-Style Furniture). Hong Kong: Jieyijia chuban gongsi, 1994.
- Chin, Sandra Lok Fu. Classical Chinese Wood Furniture. San Francisco: San Francisco Craft and Folk Art Museum, 1992.
- Desroches, Jean-Paul . Ming: The Golden Age of Chinese Furniture, Lu Ming Shi Collection (Ming: l'Âge d'or du mobilier chinois, Collection Lu Ming Shi
Desroches, Jean-Paul). Reunion des Musees Nationaux: Paris, 2003.
- Dupont, Maurice. Les Meubles de la Chine. London: Benn Brothers, Ltd., 1926.
- Ecke, Gustav. Chinese Domestic Furniture. Rutland, Vermont: Charles E. Tuttle, 1962.
- Ellsworth, Robert H. Chinese Furniture, Hardwood Examples of the Ming and Early Ch'ing Dynasties. New York: Random House, 1970.
- ______. Chinese Hardwood Furniture in Hawaiian Collections. Honolulu: Honolulu Academy of Arts, 1982.
- ______. Chinese Furniture: One Hundred Examples from the Mimi and Raymond Hung Collection. New York, 1996.
- Evarts, Curtis. A Leisurely Pursuit: Splendid Hardwood Antiquities from the Liang Yi Collection. Hong Kong, 2000.
- Evarts, Curtis. C.L. Ma Collection: Traditional Chinese Furniture from the Greater Shanxi Region. Hong Kong: C. L. Ma Furniture, 1999.
- FitzGerald, C. P. Barbarian Beds: The Origin of the Chair in China., South Brunswick and New York: A. S. Barnes, 1966.
- Handler, Sarah. Austere Luminosity of Chinese Classical Furniture. University of California Press: Berekeley, 2001.
- ______ . Ming Furniture: In the Light of Chinese Architecture. Ten Speed Press: Berekeley, 2005.
- ______ . Pieces in Context: An Approach to the Study of Chinese Furniture Through an Analysis of Ming Dynasty Domestic Hardwood Examples in Kansas City. Ann Arbor: University Microfilms International, 1983.
- Hu Desheng. Tan Ming Qing jiaju (Discussions on Ming and Qing Furniture). Jilin: Jilin kexue jishu chubanshe, 1998.
- ______ Zhongguo gudai de jiaju (Antique Chinese Furniture). Beijing: Shangwuyin shuguan guoji youxian gongsi chuban, 1997.
- ______. Zhongguo gudai jiaju (Antique Chinese Furniture).Shanghai: Shanghai Wenwu Chubanshe chuban, 1992.
- Hu Wenyan. Zhongguo jiaju: Jianding yu Xinshang (Chinese Furniture, Appraisal and Appreciation). Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe chuban, 1995.
- Hu, Wenyan & Yu, Shuyan. Zhongguo Jiaju Wenhua Congshu: Jiaju yu Baigong (Collection of Essays on Chinese Furniture: Furniture and Crafts). Hebei Meishu: Hebei, 2002. (in Chinese)
- Hu, Wenyan & Yu, Shuyan. Zhongguo Jiaju Wenhua Congshu: Jiaju yu Jianzhu (Collection of Essays on Chinese Furniture: Furniture and Architecture). Hebei Meishu: Hebei, 2002. (in Chinese)
- Hu, Wenyan & Yu, Shuyan. Zhongguo Jiaju Wenhua Congshu: Jiaju yu Fojiao (Collection of Essays on Chinese Furniture: Furniture and Buddhism). Hebei Meishu: Hebei, 2002. (in Chinese)
- Hu, Wenyan & Yu, Shuyan. Zhongguo Jiaju Wenhua Congshu: Jiaju yu Minsu (Collection of Essays on Chinese Furniture: Furniture and Folk Customs). Hebei Meishu: Hebei, 2002. (in Chinese)
- Hu, Wenyan & Yu, Shuyan. Zhongguo Jiaju Wenhua Congshu: Jiaju yu Shici (Collection of Essays on Chinese Furniture: Furniture and Poetry). Hebei Meishu: Hebei, 2002. (in Chinese)
- Hu, Wenyan & Yu, Shuyan. Zhongguo Jiaju Wenhua Congshu: Jiaju yu Li (Collection of Essays on Chinese Furniture: Furniture and Rituals). Hebei Meishu: Hebei, 2002. (in Chinese)
- Hu, Wenyan & Yu, Shuyan. Zhongguo Jiaju Wenhua Congshu: Jiaju yu Shehui (Collection of Essays on Chinese Furniture: Furniture and Society). Hebei Meishu: Hebei, 2002. (in Chinese)
- Hu, Wenyan & Yu, Shuyan. Zhongguo Jiaju Wenhua Congshu: Jiaju yu Wenren (Collection of Essays on Chinese Furniture: Furniture and the Literati). Hebei Meishu: Hebei, 2002. (in Chinese)
- Hu, Wen & Yu, Shuyan. Zhongguo Jiaju Wenhua Congshu: Jiaju yyanu Lewu (Collection of Essays on Chinese Furniture: Furniture and Theater). Hebei Meishu: Hebei, 2002. (in Chinese)
- Hu, Wenyan & Yu, Shuyan. Zhongguo Jiaju Wenhua (Chinese Furniture Culture). Hebei Meishu: Hebei, 2002. (in Chinese)
- Jacobsen, Robert D. Classical Chinese Furniture in the Minneapolis Institute of Arts. Minneapolis: Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 1999.
- Kates, George N. Chinese Household Furniture. New York: Dover Publications, 1962.
- Leece, Sharon & Freeman, Michael. China Style. Periplus: Singapore, 2001.
- Li Zongshan. Zhongguo jiaju shi tushuo (Illustrated History of Chinese Furniture) 2 vol. Hubei meishu chubanshe: Wuhan, 2001.
- Liu Senlin. Zhongguo jiaju (Chinese Furniture). Shanghai guji chubanshe chuban, 1998.
- Lo, Kai-Yin, ed. Classical and Vernacular Chinese Furniture in the Living Environment. Hong Kong: Yungmingtang, 1998.
- Lu Zhirong. Qingdai Jiaju (Qing Dynasty Furniture). Shanghai: Shanghai shudian chubanshe, 1996.
- Mazurkewich, Karen. Chinese Furniture: A Guide to Collecting Antiques. Tuttle: North Clarendon, 2006.
- Ma, Weidu. Zhongguo Gudai Men Chuang (Classical Chinese Doors and Windows). Zhongguo Jianzhu Gongyi: Beijing, 2001. (bilingual)
- MD Flacks. Classical Chinese Furniture IV: Spring 2001. New York, 2001 (Sales catalogue).
- MD Flacks. Classical Chinese Furniture VI, Spring 2003. MD Flacks: New York, 2003
- Nie Fei. Jiaju jianshang (Furniture Connoisseurship). Guilin: Lijiang chubanshe, 1998.
- Nie Fei. Zhongguo gudai jiaju jianshang (The Appreciation of Antique Chinese Furniture). Chengdu: Sichuan daxue chubanshe, 2000.
- National Museum of History, Taipei. Splendor of Style: Classical Furniture from the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Taipei: National Museum of History, 1999.
- National Palace Museum, Taipei. Special Exhibition of Furniture in Paintings. Taipei: National Palace Museum, 1996.
Orientations. Chinese Furniture: Selected articles from Orientations 1984-1999. Hong Kong: Orientations, 1999.
- Palace Museum, Beijing. Gugong Diaoke Zhencui (The Palace Museum Collection of Elite Carvings). Zijincheng: Beijing, 2002. (in Chinese)
- Pu Anguo. Ming Qing jiaju. (Furniture of the Ming and Qing Dynasties). Shanghai: Shanghai renmin meishu chubanshe chuban faxing, 1997. (in Chinese)
- ______. Ming Qing jiaju zhangshi yishu (Art of Furniture Decoratin in the Ming and Qing Dynasties). Zhejiang sheying chubanshe:hangzhou. 2001. (in Chinese)
- ______. Ming Qing Sushi jiaju (Suzhou-style furniture from the Ming and Qing dynasties). Hangzhou: Zhejiang sheying chubanshe chhu ban faxing, 1999. (in Chinese)
- ______. Zhongguo Hongmu Jiaju (Chinese Hongmu Furniture). Hangzhou: Zhejiang sheyin chubanshe, 1996. (in Chinese)
- Roche, Odilon. Les meubles de la Chine. Paris, 1922.
- Ruan Changjiang. Zhongguo lidai jaiju tuludaquan (Illustrated Chinese Furniture Through the Ages). Taipei: SMC Publishing, 1992.
- Ruitenbeek, Klaas. Carpentry & Building in Late Imperial China: A Study of the Fifteenth Century Carpenter's Manual Lu Ban Jing. Leiden, New York, Koln: E. J. Brill, 1993.
- Sacs, J. El Moble de la Xina. Barcelona: Libreria Catalonia.
- Shanghai Museum. Chinese Ming and Qing Furniture Gallery. Shanghai: Shanghai Museum, 1996.
- Shu Wen. Chinese Traditional Furniture Patterns (Chinese text). Taipei: Nan Ten Books, 1991.
- Stone, Louise H. The Chair in China. University of Toronto, 1950.
- Tian Jiaqing. Classic Chinese Furniture of the Qing Dynasty. Hong Kong: Phillip Wilson Publishers Ltd., 1996.
- ______. Ming Qing jiaju jizhen (Notable Features of Main Schools of Ming and Qing Furniture). Hong Kong; Joint Publishing Co., Ltd, 2001. (bilingual)
- Tsai C. Y. Zitan: The Most Noble Hardwood. Taipei: My Humble House Publications, 1996.
- Vok, Ignazio and others. Vok Collection - PURE FORM - Classical Chinese Furniture. Munich, 2004.
- Wang Nianxiang. Ming Qing jiaju diaoke yishu (Art of Ming and Qing Furniture Carving). Beijing, 2000.
- Wang Shixiang and Curtis Evarts. Masterpieces from the Museum of Classical Chinese Furniture. San Francisco: Tenth Union, 1995.
- Wang Shixiang. Classic Chinese Furniture: Ming and Early Qing Dynasties. Translated by Sarah Handler and the Author. Hong Kong: Joint Publishing Company, 1986.
- ______. Connoisseurship of Chinese Furniture. 2 vols. Hong Kong: Joint Publishing (H.K.) Co., Ltd., 1990.
- ______. Klassische chinesische Möbel (Classic Chinese Furniture). German ed. Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt GmbH, 1989.
- ______. Mingshi jiaju yanjiu. 2 vols. Hong Kong: Joint Publishing (H.K.) Co., Ltd., 1989.
- Wu Bruce, Grace. Chinese Classical Furniture. Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, 1995.
- ______. Living with Ming: The Lu Ming Shi Collection. Hong Kong, 2000.
- ______. Ming Furniture: Rare examples from the 16th and 17th centuries. Hong Kong: Grace Wu Bruce Co., Ltd., 1999 (Sales catalogue).
- ______. Ming Furniture: Selections from Hong Kong & London Gallery. Hong Kong: Grace Wu Bruce Co., Ltd., 2000 (Sales catalogue).
- ______. On the Kang and between the Walls-the Ming Furniture quietly installed. Hong Kong: Grace Wu Bruce Co., Ltd., 1998 (Sales catalogue).
- ______. Dreams of Chu Tan Chamber and the Romance with Huanghuali Wood. Hong Kong: New Island Printing Co. Ltd., 1991.
- ______. Zitan Furniture from the Ming and Qing dynasties. Hong Kong: Grace Wu Bruce Co., Ltd., 1999 (Sales catalogue).
- Xu Wen. Zhongguo Chuantong Yishi: Gudian Jiaju (Classical Furniture Patterns). Hong Kong: Grace Wu Bruce Co., Ltd., 2000.
- Yang Daixin. Zhongguo jiaju shoucang yu jianshang (Collecting and Appreciating Chinese Furniture). Chengdu: Bashu shushe, 2000.
- Yang Yao. Mingdai jiaju yanjiu (Research on Ming Dynasty Furniture). Beijing: Zhongguo jianzhu gongye chubanshe, 1986.
- Yip Shing-Yiu and Grace Wu Bruce. Chan Chair and Qin Bench: The Dr. S. Y. Yip Collection of Classic Chinese Furniture II. Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1998.
- Yu Jiming. Zhongguo Ming Qing Hongmu jiaju tujian (Illustrated Handbook of Chinese Ming and Qing Rosewood Furniture). Hangzhou: Zhejiang daxue chubanshe, 2001. (in Chinese)
- Zhu Jiajin (ed.). Gugong Bowuyuan Cang Wenwu Zhenpin Quanji: Ming Qing Jiaju (The Complete Collection of the Treasures of the Palace Museum: Ming and Qing Dynasty Furniture Volumes 53-54). Palace Museum, Beijing Commercial Press: Hong Kong, 2002. (in Chinese)