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Shanju Shanghai:
Book Selections

Journal of the Classical Chinese Furniture Society_Autumn_1991
Classical Chinese Furniture Society

8.5 x 11 text in English, Renaissance, 1991.

A quarterly academic journal published by the Museum of Classical Chinese Furniture 1990-1994.

  • Chen Zengbi. "Function and Style in Ming Furniture."
  • Evarts, Curtis. "A Pair of Zitan Southern Official's Hat Armchairs."
  • Flynn, Brian. "Gregor Norman-Wilcox."
  • Fung, Camille and Alan Y. M. "Huanghuali."
  • Handler, Sarah. "Ablutions and Washing Clean: The Chinese Washbasin and Stand."
  • Handler, Sarah. "The Dr. S. Y. Yip Collection."
  • Mason, Lark. "Understanding Joinery in Chinese Furniture."
  • Norman-Wilcox, Gregor. "Early Chinese Furniture."
  • Wang Shixiang. "An Appeal to Save Classical Furniture."
  • Schafer, Edward H. "Rosewood, Dragon's Blood, and Lac."

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chinese antique furniture & works of art

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